The partnership has a lot to celebrate as we continue our mission of providing swimmable, fishable waters and enhancing the health and productivity of native oysters in a way that best meets the needs of the surrounding communities. The numbers below are a sampling of what we were able to accomplish together this year:
1 All-Partner Meeting with 50+ attendees in December (see meeting summary here)
Engaged 5 Community Ambassadors across 2 disenfranchised communities
Completed 13 stormwater improvement projects in 2 disenfranchised communities
Hosted 1 Marsh Adaptation Workshop with NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office
Were awarded $2.96 million for restoration projects across 4 jurisdictions
Engaged 12 jurisdictions in Technical Assistance Circuit Rider program
Launched new Schools & Restoration Initiative, engaging 15 students in tree planting
A Funder’s Panel at the 2024 Envision All Partner Meeting shares their experiences with the Envision partnership and their thoughts for what’s needed next.
Workgroup Accomplishments
Working with Local Governments
Envision partners assess shoreline erosion at a wastewater pumping station in Caroline County.
The Technical Assistance Circuit Rider, provided by the Center for Watershed Protection, continued to identify and assess potential restoration projects, provide grant-writing and management support, and advance project implementation.
Engaged 12 jurisdictions
Assisted with writing 8 grant proposals and managing 2 bid processes
Supported design and implementation of 5 green infrastructure projects
Provided technical assistance to 10 other workgroup projects
Generated 36x the amount of funding invested through the Technical Assistance Circuit Rider program to support restoration projects throughout the Choptank watershed!
Engaging Disenfranchised Communities
Community Ambassadors present at the EPA Region 3 Nonpoint Source Conference.
Engaged community members in developing and carrying out community-based restoration plans and participating in leadership opportunities.
Completed stormwater improvement projects on 13 properties across 2 communities
Initiated 19 residential site assessments
Awarded $250,000 for stormwater management design & roadside drainage improvements
Continued Community Ambassador Fund, onboarding 2 new community ambassadors and supporting community ambassador presentations at the EPA Region 3 Nonpoint Source Conference & a workgroup meeting for the Maryland Commission on Climate Change
Hosted state secretaries from Departments of Environment, Planning, and Housing & Community Development for a project site visit.
Agricultural BMPs: Breaking Barriers
ShoreRivers and The Nature Conservancy worked together to conduct interviews with 18 historically underserved and/or female farmers to better understand their perspectives and needs as well as barriers to adopting conservation practices.
Worked to continue and export successful models and programs in the agricultural sector.
Released Farmer Outreach Strategy: Reaching Disenfranchised Farmers on the Eastern Shore and explored new partnership opportunities
Partners received funding to export Envision’s agricultural flexible incentive program and Landowner Assistance Coordinator model across Delmarva
Laid foundation for enhanced programming, including new Producer-led Bundling Agricultural Practices program
Advancing Large-scale restoration
Matt Pluta, Choptank Riverkeeper, presents at the October 2024 Marsh Adaptation Workshop.
Worked to share and identify potential large-scale restoration projects in the Choptank watershed.
Hosted Marsh Adaptation Workshop with NOAA Chesapeake Bay Office to identify areas of concern
Identified 2 large-scale project concepts:
Bunding Agricultural Practices in High-Priority Watersheds
Turning Around the Tred Avon Headwaters
Pursued funding through Whole Watershed Program to support large-scale restoration in the Upper Choptank watershed
Envision partners pose for a photo next to the Choptank River at the Marsh Adaptation Workshop.
Envision the Choptank uses an evidence-based, community-driven approach to solving problems, allowing the partnership to scale solutions to increase impact. The result is real change in the systems that govern how conservation and restoration work is implemented on Delmarva and beyond. This year, we’re celebrating these collaborative wins and their impact on our local communities.
Scaling Up: Impacting policy
Worked with the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) to open the agency’s 319(h) Nonpoint Source Program to nonprofits, allowing organizations across the state to directly apply for funding and assist local governments in carrying out restoration projects
Worked with MDE to obtain a waiver from the U.S. EPA for work in underserved communities, allowing state 319(h) programs nationwide to fund work in underserved communities outside of an approved watershed plan
Informed the Whole Watershed Act’s requirement to financially compensate Community Liaisons
Developed flexible agricultural incentive programs that inspired Maryland Department of Agriculture’s pilot Conservation Buffer Initiative
Working with other regional collaboratives, partner organizations are expanding Envision’s agricultural flexible incentive program and Landowner Assistance Coordinator model across Delmarva
Developing transferable models for community engagement that center equity and transparency by involving community members in each step of the process
Directly connecting community members to resources and decision-makers
Strengthening community leadership through programs like LEAD the Shore and the Community Ambassador Fund